Emergency Contacts:
The law distinguishes between urgent (emergency) repairs and those which are not so urgent. Urgent repairs are:
- a burst water service or a serious water service leak
- a blocked or broken toilet
- a serious roof leak
- a gas leak
- a dangerous electrical fault
- flooding or serious flood damage
- serious storm or fire damage
- a failure or breakdown of the gas, electricity or water supply to the premises
- a failure or breakdown of the hot water service
- a failure or breakdown of the stove or oven
- a failure or breakdown of a heater or air-conditioner
- a fault or damage which makes the premises unsafe or insecure.
However, if a repair is not urgent (can wait until the next working day) and is reported directly to a tradesperson you will be liable for the costs.
Should you require urgent repairs during this time, we’re here to help! Please follow these steps:
- Check this link to confirm if your issue qualifies as an urgent repair:
Urgent Repairs for Residential Rental Properties - Contact one of our friendly team members:
- Yorick Sweetnam: 0413 739 974
- Mason: 0427 080 057
- Robin: 0413 308 118
- Alternatively, contact the tradespeople listed in your lease. If you can’t reach them, please try one of the experts below:
If you cannot reach your property manager, check your current tenancy agreement for the details of a nominated tradesperson to contact but if you can not reach them refer to the below tradespeople:
For Electrical – Andrew (Good & Co) 0405 650 506 or Dominic (Well Connected) and SMS 0421 669 383
For Plumbing – Brendan (Brendan Paine Plumbing) 0412 249 310 Stuart (Rapid Response) 0419 978 987 or Sam Toder (Estee Plumbing) 0431 936 194
For Locksmith – Dave (Plush Locksmiths) 0418 242 363 or Shane Manly Locksmiths 9977 5625
Please note only faulty lock repairs will be paid by the owner. If you are locked out, please contact a locksmith at your own expense- damage caused as a result of breaking in will not be covered by the Landlord.
For Smoke Alarms Detector Inspector – 1300 134 563
(If your property is not registered with Detector Inspector, contact Electrician Andrew Good.)
For Hotwater System Aushot 9979 6811
Major Emergency SES 132 500 or 000
Electricity Emergency Ausgrid 13 13 88
Gas Emergencies Jemena 131 909
If you can not contact the above contractors please arrange an alternative contractor and inform your property manager of your actions as soon as possible. Please also ensure that after ringing an emergency tradesperson to write an email to your property manager letting them know of the incident.
Please find the official Office of Fair Trading factsheet for repairs below:
Getting Repairs Done
If you would like to send us an online Repair Request for a property please fill in all the details below and we will organise for the respective work to be reviewed and completed
Please note only faulty lock repairs will be paid by the owner. If you are locked out, please contact a locksmith at your own expense- damage caused as a result of breaking in will not be covered by the Landlord.
Please note that the Department of Fair-Trading renting guide states that an “urgent repair is when something breaks that may make the premises unfit to live in or cause a potential safety risk or interrupt access to water, gas or electrical supplies.” Please refer to clause 19 of your lease agreement for examples of emergency repairs.